Isolator Base
BSR-7071/A/MAR is a bidirectional, non addressable loop monitoring device for addressable fire detection systems. It is power supplied by the loop and detects continuously the voltage levels and the signal's integrity. It is produced in accordance with EN 54-17, IEC 60092-504, IEC 60533.
The main supported function is to isolate a part of the loop (among the two closest isolators) when a short circuit occurs. In case of two short circuits, the detectors before the first and after the second short circuit are powered. Repair of the short circuit condition brings the loop condition back to normal automatically (closed loop). The location of the short circuit position is achieved by reading the lost address detectors attached on the top of each isolator. We can have up to 3 additional detectors - devices connected and controlled on a single isolator output (connection drawing).
It is recommended to apply up to 3 additional devices on the output of each isolator (3 detectors or 3 manual call points or 2 sirens). The energy consumption of the isolator must be considered in modification of existing loops, to reduce by one the number of the detectors in full load loops. The loop is possible to carry up to 50 paired units (50 isolators + 50 detectors). In fire detection system, when a loop has more than 80 paired units (detectors + isolators), for every three isolators connected to the loop, one detector must be removed.
The device is case sensitive between two terminals (+, -).
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