These products are designed based on Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP), in order to be appropriate for placement in storage space, processing and food distribution. They have a special adhesive surface that prevents scattering of trapped insects, as well as lamps with a special film that does not shattered in case the trap falls. Electric insecticides are used to exterminate various insects.They use special fluorescent tubes (Black Light) to attract the insects from a distance. They can be used in any areas where there are many insects. A special glue trap within the insecticide in used to trap the insects. If they are placed outdoor then a special external metallic grid is available to protect birds that might happen to come near the trap. These traps protect us from all kinds of insects (mosquitoes, gnats, flies, e.t.c) without using any chemicals. The insecticides are mounted high above the floor level and in a clearly visible place in order to attract the insects more easily
Type | Lamps | Consumption | Covering Area |
RT-60/HACCP | BL 1x36W (T8) | 93VA | 180m² |
RT-52/HACCP | BL 2x18W (T8) | 147VA | 160m² |
RT-62/HACCP | BL 2x36W(T8) | 167VA | 360m² |
RT-50/HACCP | BL 1x18W (T8) | 87VA | 80m² |